What do Ukrainians 🇺🇦 need the most?
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Mobile Aid Outdoor First Aid Kit€24.99
Sof Tactical Tourniquet Wide GEN 4€59.99
Mobile Aid Outdoor First Aid Kit€24.99
Mil-Tec Knee Pads€14.91
Sof Tactical Tourniquet Wide GEN 4€59.99
NOOYME Men's Thermal Underwear€28.89
Mil-Tec SWAT Boots Black€52.88
QMFIVE Men’s Tactical Uniform€57.43
Mobile Aid Outdoor First Aid Kit€24.99
Mil-Tec Knee Pads€14.91
Sof Tactical Tourniquet Wide GEN 4€59.99
NOOYME Men's Thermal Underwear€28.89
Mil-Tec SWAT Boots Black€52.88
Adult Binoculars with Night Vision in Low Light, BAK4 Prism FMC Lens€50.99
Motorola Talkabout T82 Radio€147.99
QMFIVE Men’s Tactical Uniform€57.43
View the list of the most needed products in Ukraine.
Add items from the list to your shopping cart. Add as many as you can afford to donate.
Use this address at checkout:
Dąbrowki 239, 37-100, Łańcut, Poland
Mariya Ivanyuk
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We will receive and sort the items in our logistics center in Przemyśl, Poland, 18km from Ukrainian border.
Our teams will transfer the items to the necessary teams to support the army, territorial defense and people in need.
Send a screenshot or a receipt of your order to warstopcom@gmail.com. This will help us to coordinate logistics.
Help us help others
If you have information on what is needed or can share your list with us please do so.
Share your listFAQ
Can you just send us money? Can we do the order for you?
No, we do not accept any payments. If you would like to donate, we suggest using the information provided by the the the National Bank of Ukraine. We focus on sourcing and distributing the most needed items. We provide you with the predefined list and the shipping address where our teams will carry out sorting and distribution of delivered goods. Quick and easy!
What is the limit of products and units you can purchase?
The maximum number of goods is limited only by your budget and the e-commerce partner's inventory. For instance, one person may purchase one single item (e.g. boots) and have it shipped to Poland, while an organization might be able to purchase many items (e.g. 50 walkie talkies and 30 medical kits). All help is welcome and appreciated. Please note that our sorting teams will prioritize large orders.
Why should you trust us?
We are a group of Ukrainian volunteers. After receiving dozens of requests about donations, we decided to create this platform to make it easy to donate the most needed items to people in Ukraine. We source our goods from established e-commerce partners (e.g. Amazon) to Poland and will allocate them once items have arrived at their final destination in Ukraine.
What can you do if you bought items in a store or if you have them at home?
See our pick-up point map, by country. To make logistics of donations more efficient, we provide purchase recommendations on local sites. See here
When will the items be delivered?
Our partner e-commerce platforms allow tracking of items until delivery to our fulfillment center. For transportation within Ukraine, we cannot provide live tracking due to the situation.
Can I order items which are not on your list?
We do not recommend this, but you definitely can. You will need to make sure that they are the exact equivalent of the items we suggest.
Some of the items we recommend are “out of stock”. What should you do?
See our answer to Can I order items which are not in your list?
Can you order the item to a different address?
Technically, 100%. You can ship it to your home or send it to another address. However, we cannot guarantee transport to Ukraine if it is not delivered to our fulfillment center. Please see our answer to What can I do if I bought items in a store or I have them at home? for information about our pick-up points.
How can you contact us?
For potential partners, donors or collaborators, you can reach out to us at warstopcom@gmail.com
How do we earn money?
We do not make money or take commission from any partner sites. We are a group of volunteers who want to contribute to a good cause and help our Motherland.
UA volunteers group
We are not taking any profit, revenue or other benefits from this project. We have two objectives- save lives and help to win the war.
Contact details
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